Daily Archives: October 12, 2010

And now for something completely… Report 3

Hey MS SoftServe fans! I’m doing a quick check-in to let you know that things are heating up. (and not in a neuron swelling way!) We are currently combing through the bids we’ve received for the first phase of site development. And OMG is it exciting! We are about ready dig into our budget and the next step with be to send off those grant applications. It’s so close I can taste it! (a bit dry, papery with a hint of staples). 🙂

As you may be aware, I have started a radioblog show called MSLOL Radio. It airs once a month and in addition to the compelling interviews with significant peeps in the MS community, we will also do an MSSS update, keeping you on the cutting edge of all MSSoftServe progress. The next show is on Monday October 25th at 7pm.  By following this link you can subscribe and be notified of upcoming shows. You can even listen the show you missed. (It’s in the turquoise box on the upper right hand side.)  Here is the chance to hear my enthusiasm, as apposed to just reading it.

Thanks to all of you who have expressed enthusiasm and support for MS SoftServe. It really pumps up the energy that keeps this moving forward. (please feel free to add new supportive words! )


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